This is our patient's honest personal review
◈Name : Jung-eun Han
◈Age : 23
◈Surgery areas : Eyes, nose, facial contour and fat grafting

Deciding on surgery

I am a 23 year old college girl.
But regardless of age which is quite young, I looked older than my actual age. I was often told that I looked gloomy and depressed.
Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I found myself ugly because of my uneven facial line and sunken cheek areas.

I had surgery for my eyes but nothing changed which came off so disappointing.
My introverted personality was getting worse and I found it hard getting along with people.
One day, I thought about surgery and this time, I wanted to take a big step, not just eyes.

Surgery information

Due to the incorrect eye surgery, her eye muscles got weaken. As a result, her pupils were covered a lot, which gave her such a gloomy look. Her nose bridge and tip along with the asymmetric jaw line and wide face, didn't give her a pleasant look. Also, her sunken cheeks made her look much older than her actual age.

Asymmetric double eyelids + Visible nose implants along with curved and upturned nose + Over-developed cheek bone and jaw + long and wide chin line + Asymmetric jaw line + Sunken face

◈Eyes : Natural adhesion eye reshaping & Eye angle reshaping
◈Nose : 3D CT rhinoplasty
◈Facial contour : V-Line square jaw surgery (Inverted V-shaped osteotomy) & 3D lifting-rotation zygoma reduction
◈Fat grafting : Lovely face


After the surgery at Braun, I feel like "I am the prettiest"

Braun made me get out of my dark and gloomy days.
Thanks to the customized surgeries, I achieved my dream face.
I think the accurate diagnosis and surgery plan as well as great postoperative treatment at Braun, maximized the outcome without any side effect.

There are some people out there who have a negative opinion on plastic surgery but we can see many people living a much better life after the surgery. I am one of them!
If you are considering plastic surgery for a better life, I recommend you get consultation first.

Plastic Surgery Journey

[On the surgery day]

On the day of surgery, my heart was racing!

I was extremely nervous on that day that I couldn't eat properly and my mouth was very dry. The doctor at Braun was being humorous in order to relax me.

After anesthesia, I fell into deep sleep.
when I woke up, I was in the recovery room already.
The surgery happened in the blink of an eye.
I could go home on the same day but my place was far so I stayed at Braun the first day. The medical team were so kind taking good care of me as it they were my mother.
Their care was so great that I didn't need any caregiver.

[~ 5 days after surgery]

I was hoping that swelling would go away fast

I knew the swelling would be the worst for the first 3 days.
My face was really puffy and I was concerned whenever I saw myself in the mirror.
I bugged the staff at Braun a lot but the responses were always nice and I was told that it's normal to see swelling in face.

I was hoping the swelling would go away quickly.
I had no big problem eating.
I wanted to eat something spicy becasue I had been having watery stuff like pumpkin soup, soy milk, etc.

[Week 1~2]

Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, it didn't look like me

Every day I looked different and better, which was amazing!
After the swelling went away, my face got better day by day.
At that time, the pain was all gone.
As the swelling got better, I felt relaxed and became able to take walks every night.

Finally, the day for stitch removal came!
After the stitches got removed, I felt great!
I was told the swelling would disappear after stitch removal, and it turned out true.
Of course, I made a big effort using warm/ice pack and taking a walk at night.
I also tried not to eat a lot of salty food!
I didn't do anything that would cause swelling! It was effective for sure!

[After 2 months]

My friends would ask me where the 'old' me is now

When semester started, and I said hi to my friends for the first time in a while.
They were like "Who are you"
]Once they realized who I was, they were all surprised.
I definitely got great feedback on my makeover at Braun.
My best friends were so happy seeing me not frustrated anymore.

[After 6 months]

I became a model for my campus !

The most unbelievable thing that happened to me is I became a model for my campus!
I had pretty makeup on and a photo shoot in the studio, and I felt like I was dreaming.
I was so happy seeing myself in the campus PR booklet.
I still can't believe "It's me"

In fact, I would like to come visit my doctor bringing this booklet.
He would be so happy for me.
Lastly, I also thank the entire medical team who took amazing care of me at Braun.
Braun is definitely amazing!

   English Consultation

Tel     : +82-10-8576-2401
E-mail :  newme@braunps.co.kr
WhatsApp / Kakaotalk/ Line  +82-10-8576-2401
Instagram : @braun_beauty_medical_group
Site : www.braunps.net
ADD : 857, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


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