I got a Malar reduction surgery on 8th of August 2019 at Braun.
What made me to choose Braun is because it is a famous hospital and I trusted Dr Kim Tae Gyu, so I didn’t have to visit other hospitals.

Just like how I expected, my surgery went well J

My hollow cheeks were huge complex to me as I’m getting aging.
People told me I look fine with eyes, nose and lips but just not perfect because of cheek bones L
My bumpy cheeks always gave me huge stress every time when I look in the mirror.

However, I am so happy with the results and friends who persuaded me to not get facial contouring but now they want to get it too.

I hear a lot of times that I look younger now and my sunken cheeks got so much better.

It feels unreal!
My features are clearer which makes my eyes look bigger.

Every time I look in the mirror, I can see swelling gets better and my face gets smaller!
My face line is so soft now which also changed my strong impression to smooth impression.

It’s been only 2weeks since I got my surgery done, so I should wait till swelling gets completely better but I’m so satisfied with the results already :))

I want to thank to Dr Kim Tae Gyu and all medical teams!


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