I really didn’t want to get a surgery because it was so scary but I had to get my revision rhinoplasty surgery done so I had to make my mind to get the job done.
I had a consultation with my consultant and I want to thank again to her because I don’t think I could’ve gone through this whole process without her.

We decided to get my surgery from Dr Han Jun.

I delayed the surgery as later as possible because I was so scared to get surgery…
I want to thank again to all medical team from Braun who were so nice to me even though I changed surgery date several times.

I had a final consultation with doctor. I was terribly scared because it was revision surgery. I wanted to finish surgery journey with very last one.
I was telling Dr Han Jun all my worries but he was so gentle to me even though he just finished his surgery and must be tired.

I completely entrusted nose design to doctor and just wanted to have no complications.

After the surgery, my condition wasn’t too bad so I was able to discharge early. On my way back to home, I was worried about the result but what can I do. I decided to just wait for the result.

On my first and second day, I had terrible swelling and I called Braun and explained all my conditions. The medical team was kind enough to answer all my questions and supported me very nicely.

After few days later, swelling got better and just like the medical team and my consultant told me, the result was so incredibly amazing!
I satisfy with beautiful line, height, alar area and everything was perfect for my face line.

My consultant told me the result is amazing and I can tell that she really mean it.

On my final check up day, I was so happy with the result and I can’t believe how Doctor Han Jun is so gentle and nice. His personality and surgery techniques are excellent.
I’m so happy with my current nose and thank you again to all medical team from Braun!


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